Ideas to Increase Donations to Animal Shelters

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Marty Stallone gives you some things to consider:

Take stock of your nonprofit’s current strategy and gather your development team to reflect on the organization’s mission, vision and goals prior to planning any further. Analyze the current state of the nonprofit in reference to funding practices.

Try delving deeper by asking questions such as:

• How long has your nonprofit provided its current services or resources to the community?

• Does your nonprofit have documented credibility within the community or cause?

• What kind of programs do you offer? Are these programs attractive to donors?

• Does your nonprofit collaborate with any like-caused organizations, community groups or federal, state or local government?

• Who is your target donor audience? Are there organizations within the community that share this same audience or have a similar vision and mission? Do they have a secure fundraising program in place?

• What is your nonprofit’s image within the community with constituents? With current donors? With prospects?

• Has your nonprofit’s current fundraising strategy been successful? How often are elements within the strategy updated or rethought? Are donors bored with your strategy’s tactics or have they come to expect it?

More Tips And Ideas

S – Specific. Be very clear on what you are hoping to do. Use exact numbers and concise phrases. Answer the who, what, where, when, why and how to make your goals quantifiable.

M – Measurable. How will you recognize success unless you measure your efforts? Whether it in dollars raised, new donors obtained or impressions made, make your

goals measurable … and then, measure them!

A – Attainable. Don’t set your nonprofit up for failure by working toward a goal that just can’t happen. Know the resources you have to work with, and address challenges.

R – Realistic. This one goes hand-in-hand with “Attainable.” While it’s nice to dream, setting goals that aren’t realistic are not going to help your strategy or team morale.

T – Timely. Goals have a timeline—a start and an end. Not only will this aid in measurement, but the progress of your overall fundraising strategy will be based on this timeline.

As you determine your goals, think about what gap the fundraising efforts will fill. Is this an annual campaign, a capital campaign, a holiday appeal or is there a specific program that is in need of funding? Does your nonprofit hope to receive a spike in gifts, or are you seeking a series of gifts from a donor throughout his or her life-cycle? These questions will guide in determining your nonprofits fundraising goals and outlining the overall strategy.

Once goals are established, a budget and timeline should follow suit. The budget and timeline should be developed with the action plan and tactics portion of your strategy in mind. A budget should outline the anticipated expenses for covering the costs of your strategy, and from what sources these costs will be covered.

Expenses may include:

• Staff time

• Printing, photocopying, equipment and supplies

• Postage and shipping

• Telephone, fax and internet usage

• Travel (for general coordination and to meetings with donors)

• Food and entertainment (during meetings and at special events)

• Professional services or consultants (sponsorship consultants, party planners, etc.)

• Promotional material

The timeline should address what needs to happen, when it will happen, how it will happen and who is responsible for it. Also take into account holidays, staff vacations or potential conflicting community and competitor events.

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