Wink Capital Shares 5 Options for Financing Your Startup

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In order to make money, it will cost you money. Any business venture can be a rewarding endeavor to undertake, but it will not come with a cost. In this case, you will need capital in order to adequately fund business operations and get it off the ground.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to go about achieving this finance, although each method carries with them different requirements or dynamics that you will have to be prepared for. You can visit Wink Capital as an expert in this industry for any added concerns.

Venture Capitalists

Venture capital is when an outside group takes a part-owner of the company in exchange for capital. While the percentage that the venture capitalists take can be negotiated, the final number is typically predetermined based on the valuation of a company.

This is an ideal choice who lack the physical collateral for bank loans. Going with venture capitalists also provides you with more than just the capital. Some firms provide entrepreneurs with hands-on assistance along with a team of advisors.

Partner Financing

Strategic partner financing can serve as another effective means of getting the capital necessary for a startup. This is where a partner in your industry will fund the growth in exchange of special access to distribution rights, staff, and the signature product.

The company that you are partnering with is typically a large company. It doesn’t even have to be in the same industry as yours. It could simply be an organization that has an interest in your business.

There is a mutual benefit here because the larger company will gain the special rights listed above, and the smaller startup (yours) will have not only necessary capital but a cohort of customers and marketing that you can instantly tap right into.


Crowdfunding can be a viable option for those looking for a shot in the arm financially. These are sites that permit businesses to combine small investments together from a variety of investors.

Crowdfunding sites typically have specific terms to bear in mind, so this should be considered before making a choice. Certain sites require processing fees to be paid or for businesses to raise a certain goal in order to keep any of the money that they are able to raise. You can learn more about the importance of money, potential interest rates and other pertinent financial information from Wink Capital.


If a startup has a particular focus on research or science, grants may be received from the government. The Small Business Administration provides grants through the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs.

Those who are recipients of these grants need to meet certain developmental and federal research goals in order to be eligible to receive the funds. There also has to be a high potential for commercialization as well.

Angel Investors

Angel investors often get grouped together with venture capitalists, but there are staunch differences between the two. Venture capitalists are typically big, established companies that invest in businesses that trade capital for equity. An angel investor is an individual who invests in a startup.

Finding an angel investor works for many companies because a personal relationship can be more heavily established and it can be more difficult maintaining effective communication with an entire company.

As you can see, there are many ways to go about getting external funding for a startup. Examine each of these five options and see if any of these options will be right for you and your business

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